Learning to Fight
Vital statistics
Start The Village of Kintara
End The Village of Kintara
Level 1-?
Location The Hills of Kintara
Rewards Choice of Weapon
Previous Next
Survival Necessities

Learning to Fight is the last of the four quests offered by Clive, a quest giver in the village of Kintara south of Caemlyn.

Quest Summary[]

Clive has decided that it is time for the player to learn how to fight. He asks the player to go visit the Master of the Sword in the Caemlyn Royal Palace to learn about the different playstyles.

When the player returns, Clive rewards them with a weapon appropriate to the playstyle that they want to pursue.

Starting the Quest[]

Clive will greet a player when they enter the room, assuming that their level is not too high for his quests.

Saying 'quest' will result in Clive providing an explanation of your current task.

Quest Guide[]

The Master of the Sword is the Warrior practice in Caemlyn. He is located in 'The Practice Yard' which is 7n, 1e, 2n, 3e, 1n from Caemlyn Central Square.

Saying 'weapons' in his room will trigger a dialogue where he will explain the three main playstyles: abs, combo, and dodge. He then tells the player to return to Clive and salute him to complete the quest.

Note: Clive will give the player either a long blade, medium blade/shield, or staff as a reward. As these quest rewards are typically as good as or better than the weapons a new character can obtain on their own, it would be recommended to invest practices into one of those categories for a quick start.


<coming soon>

Response Reward
abser a two-fisted flamberge
one-handed [dodger/comboer] a ring-quilloned sword
a brightly emblazoned shield
two-handed [dodger/comboer] a leatherleaf staff

Follow-Up Quests[]

<sending player to Ross>


At this time Apr-2018, Clive's mobol does not check whether the player has spoken with the Master of the Sword or saluted him to determine if the quest is complete. This means that the quest reward can be obtained immediately simply by saying the necessary phrase to trigger the reward. Furthermore, Clive will issue any or all of the rewards as many times as the player wishes by repeating the triggering phrase.

Note: This may be considered intentional bug abuse and could result in punishment by the staff, so you have been warned!

Newbie Quests
Lobrane D'shaq